SVARW Breakfast Meeting Featuring Sen. Mike Morrell

September 26, 2018 @ 9:00 am
Three Flames Restaurant
1547 Meridian Ave
San Jose, CA 95125

Three Flames Restaurant, 1547 Meridian Avenue, San Jose

The Silicon Valley Association of Republican Women (SVARW) will host a breakfast meeting with featured speaker state Senator Mike Morrell, who represents the San Bernardino area.  Reflecting on California’s rich history and developments at the State Capitol, Senator Morrell will share his thoughts on the current legislative environment and how Californians can get involved in reclaiming our state.  Topic: Is there Hope for California?

RSVP: For more information and to register, contact Jan Soule at or purchase tickets online. Cost: $15 (includes buffet breakfast.) Check-in begins at 9am; Program at 9:30am.

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