SPARC April Dinner with Johnson & Ohtaki: “How the GOP is Winning the Wired”

April 20, 2016 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Peter Ohtaki
Peter Ohtaki, Menlo Park Councilmember and candidate for State Assembly District 24 will begin our event with his brief message: “Why Silicon Valley is Trending Republican.” Following Peter’s message Garrett Johnson follows up that theme with his talk: “How the GOP is Winning the Wired.” With his Lincoln Initiative, Johnson has taken on the formidable but fascinating job of working with Silicon Valley to bring Republican principles, technology and government together. His Lincoln Initiative’s Reboot Conferences and Hackathons attract the best in the tech world. If you are one who believes the GOP is the best tech partner going, don’t miss our April event!

Garret Johnson
The Lincoln Network is a conservative think tank that advocates for more start ups (like Uber and Lyft) and a smaller role for regulation. Johnson has advocated on behalf of the many entrepreneurs who can’t afford expensive inside-the-beltway lobbyists. He’s a winner: so don’t miss this one!

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