California’s oppressive policies are keeping us down!

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Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shows that California has the highest Unemployment Rate in the nation, at 7.5% as of September 2021. How is this possible?

In the chart below, the states that are dark red have full Republican control of the legislature and governorship, and dark blue connotes a state with full Democratic control. As expected, red state/ blue state policies impact the state’s recovery.

Politicians blame the bottleneck on people not returning to work, yet the same politicians attempt to shutdown businesses through vaccine mandates, and discriminate against people’s personal medical decisions if they choose not to vaccinate. Politicians refuse to recognize “natural immunity” from those who have recovered from COVID. Bad laws like AB5 restrict the freedom of gig workers like independent truck drivers from working to fill peak cycles in supply chain deliveries. It’s no coincidence that California represents the biggest bottleneck in our nation’s supply chain – not being able to efficiently clear our seaports of goods coming into the country, not being able to hire gig workers to truck our goods to consumers (due to AB-5), and not being able to export our goods to global customers because of this sclerosis at our ports.

Californians must start asking questions and demand answers. We can’t allow the abuse of government power to continue spreading. Please stand with us and fight back against unconstitutional vaccine mandates and the spread of Big Government control over our lives. Join SVGOP and become an Associate Member today! Help us protect liberty and opportunity for all!

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